Tel : +31 (0)43 365 25 97 | E-mail :
Set: 30 min
Overige info: crew prikt in op professionele geluidsinstallatie waar opdrachtgever voor dient te zorgen
Offerte / Boeking

It’s unanimous. Major booking agents everywhere agree: Vengaboys are without a doubt Europe’s #1 Party Act!

They are back and stronger than ever. Since returning to the stage with their ‘nonstop world tour”, bookings have risen by 20% each year. The result, a whopping 150 shows per year, and many are return bookings.

The Vengaboys Live Experience features their multi-platinum hits Up & Down, Kiss (When the sun Don’t Shine) We Like To Party!, Uncle John From Jamaica, Boom, Boom, Boom, Boom!, We’re Going To Ibiza!, and Shalala Lala, as well as select top-40 party hits that are regularly added to their repertoire.

The original members are a ‘lean and mean party-machine’ guaranteed to put on a show and get the audience jumping, complete with crazy outfits, live vocals, and fun, fun, fun and then some more!

Around the world, audiences are tuning into this fearsome foursome with Vengaboys video views on YouTube totaling over 100 million, including their recent clip 2 Brazil!, going viral with over 7 million multi-platform views. And, there’s no shortage of fans jumping in on Instagram and Facebook.

Fun fact: Every three minutes someone in the world mentions the Vengaboys on Twitter.

They deliver live shows that promise to raise the roof for audiences of all sizes and ages. Satisfaction is 100% guaranteed!

Vengaboys, the go-to act for a party-down event that’s unforgettable! Vengaboys